Accidental Impacts Fellowship Meetings
Accidental Impacts launched a monthly series of Zoom meetings in 2020 to bring the CADI community together for fellowship and peer support. The response has been heartwarming, with up to 45 people joining us at every meeting from all corners of the world – United States, Canada, Europe, the UK and parts of Asia – to share their stories and words of solace and understanding.
Click Here For Our Fellowship Meeting Schedule
“Being part of this group has given me so much hope. I don’t feel quite so alone.”
While the format/scope of our meetings continues to evolve, past meetings have focused on a particular topic or theme presented by a fellow CADI or expert in the field (e.g., a therapist, clergy etc.), followed by discussion. Since our first fellowship meeting last year, we have developed close bonds and empathy for one another – critical elements in our collective paths toward self-forgiveness, self-compassion and healing.
“It is so powerful to talk with people who ‘get it.’ While we may be in different places along our personal journeys, we share a commitment to supporting ourselves and each other as we strive for healing.”
The overall goal of our fellowship meetings is to offer CADIs and their family members a safe space to listen, learn, and share if they are so inclined. Safeguards are in place to protect privacy and confidentiality (e.g., no recording of meetings, participation limited to CADIs and/or family members and secure Zoom link).
“I’ve attended six fellowship meetings and have found them all to be beneficial and a great source of comfort since everyone in the group shares a common experience.”
Invitations are sent to our mailing list and posted on our Facebook page. RSVPs are required in order to receive the secure Zoom link. There is no cost to participate. Please contact us at [email protected] to join our mailing list.
“For over 50 years, I have lived in shame, isolation and guilt from causing an accidental death. Hearing other people’s stories has been moving and profound. For the first time in my life, I don’t feel like I’m alone in my experiences and feelings.”
Now for the fine print: these meetings are not a substitute for therapy nor are they intended to serve as a support group. If you are in crisis, we recommend that you talk with a psychotherapist before joining Fellowship as the experience can stir strong feelings.
Click here to review our meeting guidelines.
“For many years I searched for some sort of group or forum that could relate to what I am going through. About a year and a half ago I came across the Accidental Impacts website which offers information and resources for people in my situation. I appreciate all the help that I receive through monthly Zoom meetings and emails.”
Upcoming Meetings
Our meetings are held on the third Sunday of the month, from 2:00 to 3:30PM Pacific Standard Time. Check back for updates on topics and speakers; additional information is available on our Facebook page (
We welcome your suggestions for topics and/or speakers that would be of interest to the group; please send ideas to [email protected].
2022 Accidental Impacts Fellowship Meeting Dates & Times:
<td>2:00 – 3:30PM PST </td
Date | Time |
January 16, 2022 | |
February 20, 2022 | 2:00 – 3:30PM PST |
March 20, 2022 | 2:00 – 3:30PM PST |
April 17, 2022 | 2:00 – 3:30PM PST |
May 15, 2022 | 2:00 – 3:30PM PST |
June 19, 2022 | 2:00 – 3:30PM PST |
July 17, 2022 | 2:00 – 3:30PM PST |
August 21, 2022 | 2:00 – 3:30PM PST |
September 18, 2022 | 2:00 – 3:30PM PST |
October 16, 2022 | 2:00 – 3:30PM PST |
November 20, 2022 | 2:00 – 3:30PM PST |
December 18, 2022 | 2:00 – 3:30PM PST |
Past Meetings’ Topics and Speakers
- Small group discussions about topics of interest to participants
- Mindfulness workshop with Dr. Marvin Belzer
- Presentation about EMDR with Dr. Jose Carbajal
- Presentation about Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, by Michael Gentry, JD, LCSW
- Discussion with Mark O’Brien, Executive Director of Trauma Informed, Inc., an advocate for criminal justice reform, and a CADI
- Discussion with Darin Strauss, author of Half a Life, a beautiful memoir about his experience as a CADI that won the 2010 National Book Critics Award
- Moral Injury, Cities of Refuge and PTSD, Rev. Rev. David W. Peters
- Self-compassion – Why It’s Important, What Gets in the Way and How We Can Take Some Meaningful Steps to Support Ourselves in Achieving Our Goals, Maryann Gray, Ph.D., Founder, Accidental Impacts
- How Different Faiths Respond to Accidental Killings; Rabbi Caryn Aviv, The Very Reverend Chris Yaw and The Reverend David Peters
- Traumatic Anniversaries and How We Can Manage Them, Maryann Gray, Ph.D., Founder, Accidental Impacts
- Trauma and Body Therapy, Tiffany Hoyt, DAOM, Dipl. O.M.
- The Journey Toward Self Forgiveness, Kim Rice, MA and The Very Reverend Chris Yaw
- Practicing Self-Compassion after Trauma and Moral Injury, John Reiman, Ph.D
- Shock/Situational Trauma Versus Relational/Developmental Trauma, Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Michael A. Gentry, JD, LCSW
- How We Can Best Support One Another and Ourselves, Blending Compassion and Responsibility, Maryann Gray, Ph.D., Founder, Accidental Impacts
- Post Crash Journey to Public Education and Advocacy, Shane Snowdon, MA
- Moving from Post-traumatic Trauma to Post-Traumatic Growth, Maryann Gray, Ph.D., Founder, Accidental Impacts
- Moral Injury As It Applies to Causing Accidental Injury or Death, Rev. David W. Peters