Accidental Impacts invited those on our mailing list to respond to an online survey; 49 responded, for a response rate of 12.8%. We appreciate the feedback from the user community. Overall we are on the right track (yay!), but our respondents offered some excellent suggestions for improvement. We also need to work on building awareness of our programs, services and resources. Major findings include:
- Most respondents found Accidental Impacts through online searches.
- Almost all respondents (90%) had visited the website, and almost half (45%) had commented to the site. Over one third (37%) had visited the Facebook page.
- Respondents found the elements of Accidental Impacts they used to be helpful. Personal stories topped the list, with 78% of respondents rating them as “very helpful.” In contrast, only one quarter found the resources on the website to be “very helpful,” while the same number found the resources to be either not helpful or only somewhat helpful.
- Almost half (43%) of respondents had attended at least one Fellowship meeting. Of those who had not attended, almost half indicated they did not know about them, and 30% indicated they were not scheduled at a time when they could attend. One quarter indicated that they “might” be interested but were unsure.
- Comments indicate that respondents would like Accidental Impacts to facilitate more peer-to-peer communications and to help users find counselors or therapists.
- 17 respondents indicated interest in volunteering with Accidental Impacts. The most popular option was peer mentoring, followed by writing for the website or Facebook page, and leading a Fellowship meeting or serving as a speaker.
The board will be discussing this feedback at our spring meeting. We are considering how to launch a peer mentoring opportunity, and how we can respond to suggestions for improvement as well as obstacles to participation in Fellowship or other programs. We will also be contacting the potential volunteers.
If you have feedback for Accidental Impacts, let us know! You can write to us directly at [email protected] Thank you.
Some Comments:
I’m so glad to know this group exists. I wish it were there when I had the accident. I think recovery would have been aided by knowing I wasn’t alone and there were other people who understand. I think more people want to be involved but are frightened.
I think stories of people who’ve found a new direction and meaning since it all happened [would be useful], who’ve moved forward. People need to see it can get better.
Maybe somehow have old timers for lack of a better description help out newcomers who recently had accidents.
Support on how to find a therapist with experience in Accidental Impacts and their repercussions [would be helpful].
The members of this group are some of the kindest people I have ever ‘met’. They are always offering words of hope.