Accidental Impacts is growing! We are now a nonprofit foundation, which will enable us to reach more people and offer more services. Our board and volunteers aim to expand the website, develop new resources for those who have caused accidental death or injury (CADIs), and raise awareness about the needs and experiences of those who unintentionally kill or injure.

To our knowledge, Accidental Impacts is the first organization focused on the needs of those we call CADIs. Thousands of people visit this website every month for information, links, and resources. In addition to CADIs, Accidental Impacts is a helpful to therapists, clergy, social workers, and others who work with CADIs.

We have big plans, but we cannot succeed without your help. Won’t you please consider donating to Accidental Impacts? Your tax free contribution will allow us to extend our reach. Thank you in advance for helping us out.

We wish you a year of peace, compassion, and personal growth.


Maryann J. Gray

The Reverend David Peters

Kimberly Rice

The Reverend Chris Yaw

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