Comments on: Shame
Sat, 07 Feb 2015 15:43:25 +0000
By: Bonnie
Sat, 07 Feb 2015 15:43:25 +0000 beginning of my steep up hill battle was so horrific I don’t know if I’d ever had dared to go out and about but I was court ordered to Drug and Alcohol, AA meeting and counseling. There was very good counseling behind it and I met some great people. I attended Church and Sunday School. My family and friends were always there to comfort me too. All these things provided wonderful support. Talking with these people and working through the counseling helped me to be the best I could be. Time and encouragement helped me to move forward but still felt hung up somewhat until I started doing presentations for Schools and the county. They thank me, some tell me I just changed their way of thinking for ever. Some tell me stories about their own families. I was told from the start that sharing my story with others was the way to heal. For me I know now how true that is.