I don’t know what to feel…on one end I hate myself for making this stupid mistake, then I feel like this is a lesson needed to be learned yet I feel hopeful that this will all work out and I feel like I’m pushing my luck just because those 2 girls lived and I don’t even know what the driver’s injuries are like besides her bruised leg that might even be broken. One thing for certain is that I now have a new perspective of life and the appreciation of it.
]]>It’s Christmas time. I wasn’t driving, I was the passenger but I am devastated. It was my idea to go see the lights, so i feel responsible. I’m not sure what is going to happen legally which scares me so badly as well. I’ve been totally physically numb since I found he passed. I feel like my life is forefit because of this. I don’t know how to process what’s happened and I don’t know if I can live with this. I’m glad I found this site, to see there are others who have been through this. If there is anything that you all could advise or anything that helped you through the first few days I’d love to hear it. Thank you
]]>The lady I hurt was also a working mother with clearly a lot on her plate, her injuries too seemed minor at first but then things worsened. I still feel so badly for her pain and the effect it must have had in her life and those around her. At first I just felt like I couldn’t bear to see or talk to people, the accident was all I could think about but I didn’t want to tell anyone and show what a stupid unworthy person I was, I shrank from either sympathy or judgement. But a month or so on and the feelings have settled a bit. I know I can’t really make adequate direct amends to her, and I’ve not talked about it to many people, but I have tried to reach out to people in other ways, and to allow them to reach out to me, and the contact I was dreading has sometimes turned out to be a comfort and a good distraction. I don’t seek to forget the accident, or be made to feel all right about it, but I guess I have to keep trying to make things better in my life however I can.
Please hang on in there, and know that many others, here and elsewhere, understand what you’re going through and don’t judge you. Have courage and accept comfort. A big hug to you and take care of yourself.
(Edited for typos)
]]>My husband has been gentle and sympathetic, but his attitude is that it was an easy accident to happen, and I should keep it in proportion. We agreed there was no need to tell lots of people about it. A day or two later the gendarmes got in touch, said there’d be no need to come in and give them a statement, they’d got all the information they needed, the woman wasn’t making any complaint, but she’d contact me to get more information. When she did she was still super-kind, said that it was just a bad sprain, the lumbar problems she’d been afraid of didn’t seem to be happening, told me again not to worry, that she’d seen my distress and didn’t blame me. Also that she’d had to be at the hospital till 7.30 that evening, which must have been miserable. Her kindness and forgiveness were hot coals, but I was a bit cheered that it didn’t seem to be as bad as it might have been.
It was a holiday weekend here but I was finally able to get in touch with my insurance agent, who we’ve known forever and has been a tower of strength through many times of trouble, and who was breezy and calm and just asked for more info about the victim, so I texted her. When she replied she said she had much worse pain, back and head as well as the ankle, and didn’t know when she could go back to work. I feel so awful about the pain she’s in, and the trouble and anxiety it must be causing to her family, her workplace etc, while I’m just home and dry, and I am imagining that maybe her injuries will prove to be much worse, with worse consequences. And still she’s thanking me for asking and saying don’t hesitate to ask for anything I need!
I wanted to send her flowers, but when I mentioned this to my husband he frowned and said I needed to detach and not be so dragged down by it, and that he didn’t think that level of involvement was a good thing, or words to that effect. Feeling as I am I find I’m overly dependent on his support, but I think he’s wrong, so I said I would send the flowers anyway and we’d talk about it no more. He had his own worries with medical check-ups etc so we left it there and didn’t let it escalate into a row, but I felt lonelier. I sent the flowers, and got a text to say thank you from the lady, I replied and said I hoped she was a little better, but got no reply. She’s not obliged to keep in touch with me, and I’m not expecting her to make me feel better or let me off the hook, I know. I just hope things aren’t too bad with her.
But the worse thing is this isn’t the first time I’ve hit someone, and not the first car accident I’ve had by a long way. Eighteen years ago on my way home from work I swerved to avoid a car I thought was coming out of a side road on my right (in fact she was probably just inching forward, I could never really be sure if she was over the line) skidded on a wet road and drove into a man on the pavement. His knee was injured and he developed complications, and was a long time recovering. I spoke to him on the phone in hospital just afterwards, and then when I heard he was still in treatment I wrote to him, he wrote back a lovely letter, described the beautiful centre where he’d been sent for physiotherapy etc, and communicated indirectly that he appreciated my getting in touch very much.
That was my first ever accident, we’d not lived in France that long. I talked about it quite a bit, I was younger and busy and a bit tougher, I think, and it seemed like a terrible one off. But I always felt it was one of the worst things I’d ever done, and that it should never ever happen again. But then I had several accidents, some minor, some more serious which only damaged vehicles, and each time it eroded my confidence, I felt a lot of shame, that I shouldn’t really be behind the wheel of a car, that I wasn’t a serious, grown-up person who had a right to function in the adult world. After I wrote off (totalled) my last right hand drive car and replaced it with a lhd one, I took some driving lessons with a French instructor. He was good, gave me useful tips and boosted my confidence, and at the end he said something like, you should be all right now, you won’t do any more harm. That was seven years ago and I’ve gone that long without any accidents.
I suppose he meant if I stick to the advice and practices he gave me, but I fervently hoped he was right, so now that I’ve screwed up, and hurt someone again, I feel I’ve totally let him and myself and everyone down, and again that I’m no longer fit to be part of adult society. And I sort of feel I’ve used up all my rights to sympathy and compassion.
This isn’t a litigious, compensation, blaming culture here; we have a good health and social care system which goes into action, passers-by have a sense of kindness and citizenship and know how to help, the insurance companies generally pay the bills without quibble and take their responsibilities seriously and compassionately. I am very grateful for all this but at times like this it just adds to my sense of unworthiness/worthlessness. I didn’t know about the idea of moral injury. I suppose it helps a bit knowing it’s a thing and other people suffer from it too.
I’m sort of going through the motions at the moment, acting as normally as possible, but there’s a great ugly cloud over everything. I tend to be depressed and fragile at this time of year, and difficult events make it worse. I’ve considered giving up driving, so I can’t be a danger to anyone else, but it’s not an option I can afford just now. My husband is 82 (I’m 58) and still driving very well (he’s had the odd crunch but never hurt anyone) but I can’t just rely on him for transport. If he got ill or wasn’t around I’d need to be able to get about. We have local shops and buses, it wouldn’t be impossible to manage but it would be difficult.
Friends and family – whom I’ve not told about it – have lately been contacting and proposing get-togethers, now this has happened I feel overwhelmed and like I don’t really want to see anyone. I don’t want to talk about the accident and I don’t want to not talk about it, if that makes sense. I’ve been out to my regular classes etc, and it does take my mind off it somewhat, but there’s always this feeling I shouldn’t be acting normally, let alone enjoying myself, or it all comes rushing back as soon as the activity finishes.
Anyway, that’s where things are at the moment. I’m not sleeping well, and my husband and I have been struggling. I feel like I’ve no right to self-pity but no right to just get on with life normally. We had a better talk this morning and I’ve decided perhaps I’ll see the doctor and maybe ask if I can at least have something to help me sleep.
This all feels very self-indulgent and all-about-me, but it is a relief to find this site, and to read and hear other people’s stories, most of which are far worse than mine, and feel a bit less alone. Thanks for reading if you’ve got this far!