You need to seek help as soon as possible. If you need help tracking down a good TRAUMA counselor, please feel free to contact me at:
I know you shut down your social media but we have a closed/ private/ screened support group you can link to by clicking the Facebook icon/little blue box at: You have to provide some screening questions as it is for CADIs or their parents, only. We have some psychological support from professionals in group but also speaking with others there who understand is EXCEPTIONALLY helpful in healing. All of the people in the group of now 90 or so are experiencing the same grief, etc. as yourself and are exceptionally caring and empathetic. With the combination of a trauma counselor I think you’ll find it of great use to you.
Please feel free to join us. We’d be glad to have and support you. Please don’t try and work through this alone! :::big hugs:::
-Theresa “Tree”
]]>I drove home from one county to another to have a family dinner which I had been looking forward to for a while. My dad had come back home from across the country and we haven’t had a family dinner with everyone present for about a year or so. I rushed home after work only to find out that my older sister went out with her friend and my mom was with her siblings in another city. I was upset, more so with my mom because I told her about dinner twice the morning of. I called her and she wasn’t apologetic, but when I got upset with her, she yelled at me saying she’d come home if that’s what I wanted. It wasn’t. I wanted a happy family dinner.
I left home to go back to my apartment in the next county and decided to have dinner myself. Throughout the drive I’ve been thinking whether or not I should’ve stayed home. Should I have just had dinner with my dad and younger brother? Would that have been better? I grabbed food at a local supermarket and was about 5 miles away before reaching my apartment. I don’t know how; I don’t really remember how I missed it, but I didn’t see the red light and t boned a car. I was going about 45-50 mph, a little over the speed limit. Everything was my fault.
I crawled out there back door and a few passerbys helped me sit on the curb. The police and firefighters arrived almost immediately and began questioning me. I wanted to check up on the other victim to see her situation but the officials wouldn’t allow me to.
I was transported to the hospital via ambulance and noticed a few people with camera equipment filling me, all while firefighters tried ripping open her door cause it wasn’t opened. It took about 15 minutes but she was taken to a separate hospital afterwards.
I had a couple of deep abrasions and bruises but none compared to how I emotionally felt. I felt like I should’ve died. I didn’t know how to cope with everything. After tests were ran, I was left alone for a few hours and in those hours, I had a lot of time to think. How is the woman? How were her injuries? Is it critical? She could’ve been at home spending time with her family…it was almost new year’s Eve. Why did I leave home? Why did I get so upset? Why am I like this? I just wanted a family dinner. I hate myself so much. I should just die.
I didn’t notify any family members because I was too ashamed. My anxiety didn’t make things better either. But somehow my sister caught wind of what happened and came to my section. I refused to see her and after an hour, I allowed her to come in. Apparently when she called me, the tow guy picked up and told her the situation. I was dismissed after about 5 hours and we headed to my apartment. Everything seemed okay at first until the next day when my parents came by. I couldn’t show my face; I didn’t want to. I caused so much trouble and coming from a low income family, I knew how financially straining the situation was. I told my sister I wanted to be alone and so she went back home with my dad.
The next few days, including now, I’ve been having breakdowns and would begin crying hilariously. I hated myself. I tried forgetting about this feeling by watching random shows but when night fell, I would become extremely depressed. I barely have an appetite and have no motivation to do anything. I keep having flashes of the incident when I missed the light and crashed into the car a second afterwards.
I isolated myself from everyone and deleted all my social media platforms. I didn’t respond to any messages or calls I received. I wanted to be alone and sleep for a long time. I has suicidal thoughts, which was nothing new throughout my life.
I thought my sister understood. I told her everything I felt when I let her into my section.. About how ashamed and guilty I felt. How I couldn’t face others.. But yesterday she began chastising me. How could I treat family this way? How awful I’m being? I don’t know..I began crying and couldn’t stop for the next hour.
It’s hard for me to cope. Shortly after the incident, I don’t even know who I hit, or how many people were in the order vehicle. It’s because I eventually found the video of the incident that I was about to see exactly who I got. She was the only person in the car and appeared to be in her 20s-30s. I don’t even know her condition right now. How can I be okay?
I want to feel okay. I want to be assured that everything is okay…that I don’t have to feel like trash anymore. The only way that I thought would end these feelings was if I wasn’t alive anymore, but a part if me knows I shouldn’t think that way. Please help. How can I cope with all this?
]]>My son was driving in a residential neighborhood, turned left and hit what he did not realize at the time was a man on a motorcycle. The man died on the way to the hospital. My son, like you, has not been able to sleep and is basically feels numb most days.
I pray for you and everyone else on this forum, as I hope you will pray for my son.
God bless you!