Comments on: Bonnie’s Story Sat, 08 Dec 2018 18:36:51 +0000 hourly 1 By: Bonnie Sat, 08 Dec 2018 18:36:51 +0000 In reply to Julie V.

Wow Julie V. So very sorry to hear this. I never saw it till just now. How is your son doing by now? And you? So happy to know the family forgives your son and wanted to help. They are awesome people. What a blessing. That certainly helps. Hoping he was able to move forward. I know it’s still a long painful journey that I wouldn’t wish on anyone. But just know, you’re not alone. We are all here. I know my journey took me to all kinds of places . Some were good, some were weird, some were in lightning, but all in all I mostly received a lot of healing. I’m so much better today and maybe sometime he could do a presentation. I know besides her family and some friends that forgave me, that helped me the most. Best of luck. Keeping you in my prayers.

By: Julie V Sat, 09 Dec 2017 21:42:15 +0000 Thank you for sharing your story Bonnie. Sadly we are just beginning our journey with a DUI related vehicular homicide charge. Our beautiful 23 year old son was out the night before Thanksgiving with 2 other friends. They were celebrating their promotions in the military. At 1am they left the restaurant they were at and our son started the 2 mile drive home, feeling “fine”. He was 400 yards away from his destination when he made the final left turn and his car started to spin. It happened so fast. Before they knew what was happening the car hit a utility pole. They were scared and just thinking that they would drive away until they looked in the back seat and saw their friend slumped over and unresponsive. He was sitting in the seat that took the impact of the pole. My son was taken into custody that night and charged with DUI, failure to maintain lane and driving too fast for good conditions. Unfortunately, his very dear friend never regained consciousness and was taken off life support 3 days later. The following day my son was arrested a second time for vehicular homicide.
My husband and son both were able to go the hospital before he passed and say their goodbyes. The young mans family was there and could not have been more gracious and forgiving. They hugged and consoled MY son who was/is wrought with guilt. I am convinced that this act of kindness saved his life….at least his sanity.
His funeral just passed and my husband flew out to attend at the request of the parents. They also wanted our son there but he is unable to travel per his bond requirements. My heart is so completely broke over this whole situation. It aches for the other family and the uncertainty of our sons future.
What touches me most is that that young mans parents are insistent that they do not want anything bad to happen to our son. They said that he was their son’s friend and they would call they DA and fly out to speak to them in person if need be, to insist that he not go to jail. How incredibly kind. I can’t even imagine. ]]>